Refraction and Reflection – Does Snell’s Law Apply After Total Internal Reflection?


Snell's law states that:

n_1\sin\theta_1 &= n_2\sin\theta_2\, ,\\
\sin\theta_1 &= \frac{n_2}{n_1}\sin\theta_2\, ,\\
\sin\theta_1&\propto \sin\theta_2\, .

The critical angle $\theta_1 = \theta_c$ is reached when
$\sin\theta_2 = 1$, assuming that $n_2 > n_1$.

Total internal reflection occurs when $\theta_1 > \theta_c$, and when $\theta_1$ increases between 0 and 90 so does $\sin\theta_1$, and since $\sin\theta_1 \propto \sin\theta_2$, $\sin\theta_2$ should increase also, which should be impossible since $\sin\theta_2 = 1$.

Does the proportionality (and therefore Snell's law) no longer hold once the critical angle $\theta_c$ has been reached, or have I got my maths wrong?

Best Answer

First, let's calculate the critical angle. As you noted, at $\theta_1=\theta_c$, $\sin\theta_2=1$, and thus $\theta_c=\arcsin(n_2/n_1)$. Obviously, for a critical angle to exist, we must have $n_1>n_2$, so that $n_2/n_1<1$.

Now, from Snell's law, we know that \begin{align} \sin\theta_1=\frac{n_2}{n_1}\sin\theta_2\end{align} As $\theta_1$ increases to $\theta_c$, $\sin\theta_2$ goes to $90$ degrees, as you noted:

\begin{align} \sin \theta_c =\frac{n_2}{n_1}=\frac{n_2}{n_1}\sin\theta_2\rightarrow \sin\theta_2=1 \end{align}

For $\theta_1>\theta_c$, we find that

\begin{align} \sin \theta_1 \equiv C = \frac{n_2}{n_1}\sin\theta_2\rightarrow \sin\theta_2=\frac{C}{n_2/n_1} \end{align}

where $C$ is some number larger than $(n_2/n_1)$ but less than 1, implying that $\frac{C}{n_2/n_1}>1$. Thus, you are correct; Snell's law will not be able to solve for the refracted angle for an incident angle larger than $\theta_c$. Instead, the system in this limit obeys the law of reflection. For more about Snell's law and total internal reflection, see here for a good reference.

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