[Physics] Does relativistic quantum mechanics (RQM) really violate causality

causalityklein-gordon-equationquantum mechanicsquantum-field-theoryspecial-relativity

The Hamiltonian $$H=\sqrt{p^2+m^2}$$ defines a one-particle quantum mechanics in the usual way. Let us call this theory RQM for short. Peskin and Schroeder claim that RQM violates causality because the (quantum-mechanical) propagator has support outside the light cone (Sec. 2.1). I do not believe there can be any causality problem with RQM because

  • a) Quantum field theory (QFT) of a free Klein-Gordon (KG) field has no problems

  • b) The one-particle states of free KG QFT obey the RQM Schrodinger equation.

Put more simply, free QFT is valid, and RQM appears as a limit (restricting to one-particle states). So how can there possibly be a causality problem with RQM?

Are Peskin and Schroeder wrong/sloppy? Or is there really a causality problem in RQM? If the latter, somebody should be able to construct a thought experiment with a grandfather paradox or some other disaster. Please enlighten!

Best Answer

The actual difference is in how these approaches treat measurements.

In the single particle theory, your observable is the particle coordinates $x^i(t)$. Measuring them at $t_1$ and $t_2$ can lead to apparent superluminal propagation.

In QFT, your observable is $\phi(x) = \phi(x^{i}, t)$. (I am ignoring the fact that these are operator-valued distributions). Measuring two of these separated by a space-like interval can not lead to superluminal propagation, as Peskin and Schroder show later when they evaluate the commutator of the fields. No grandfather paradoxes here.

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