Thermodynamics – Does More Fire Create a Hotter Fire?


If we lit a single fire that was fueled by a substance that burns at 500°F, then around that fire we lit directly against it another fire surrounding the original one. This second fire's fuel also burns at 500°F. Would the original fire increase in temperature? If yes, is there any topic related to this event that I can take to research it further?

Best Answer

By 500 F I assume you are talking about the ignition temperature of the material being burned when it first ignited, not the temperature of the surface and the flame above the burning material after ignition, which would be considerably higher than 500 F (500 F is around the ignition temperature of wood). Once the fuel, say wood, ignites then the surface temperature and flames will be greater than 500 F.

In that case, I would think that making the fire larger (increasing the circumference of the fire) may increase the temperature of the burning surface and flames and the rate of burning of the fire (heat release) as follows:

The figure below is a simplified representation of a burning surface showing heat and mass transfers (based on the Drysdale fire protection textbook "Introduction to Fire Dynamics".) Part of the heat released in the combustion process is fed back to the burning surface to maintain the combustion process. Part of the heat released is lost to the atmosphere, $\dot Q_{atm}$. (a key to the other terms is given below, if you are interested).

One would expect that most of the heat loss occurs above the flame. But some heat loss also occurs to the side of the flame (i.e., around the perimeter of the burning area). Thinking of the perimeter as the surface of a cylinder surrounding the burning area, the larger the perimeter the lower the surface area to volume ratio. That could favor heat retention in the center of the flaming area and an increase in the temperature of the flames at the center.

A more detailed explanation of the figure is below. In particular I draw your attention to the last two equations. The first gives the heat release rate. The greater that rate the higher the burning temperature, all other things being equal. It is proportional to the mass burning rate.

The last equation gives the mass burning rate. Note that the lower the heat loss rate the greater the mass burning rate. The lower surface to volume ratio of the fire the lower the heat loss rate, all other things being equal.

Hope this helps

Key to Terms in Figure:

$\dot Q_{c}$ = rate at which energy (heat) is released in the fire (kW)

$\dot Q_{F}$ = the heat flux supplied by the flame fed back to the fuel surface ($\frac{kW}{m^2}$)

$\dot Q_{L}$ = heat losses expressed as the heat flux through the fuel surface ($\frac {kW}{m^2}$)

$\dot Q_{atm}$ = heat lost to atmosphere (kW)

$\dot m$ = the rate of burning of the fuel ($\frac{kg}{m^{2}.s}$)

According to Drysdale, "...the rate at which energy is released in a fire ($\dot Q_{c}$) is the most important single factor which characterizes its behavior"

The heat release rate ($\dot Q_{C}$) can be roughly related to the rate of burning $\dot m$ and the heat of combustion of the fuel by the following:

$$\dot Q_{c}= x.\dot m . A_{f}\Delta H_{c} $$


$A_f$ is the fuel surface area ($m^2$)

$\Delta H_{c}$ is the heat of combustion of the volatiles ($\frac{kJ}{kg}$) and

$x$ is a factor to account for incomplete combustion (<1.0) which is a function of the mixing of air drawn in from the surrounding atmosphere with the volatiles.

The rate of burning can, in turn, be expressed generally as

$$\dot m=\frac{\dot Q_{F}-\dot Q_{L}}{L_{v}}$$

Where $L_{v}$ is the heat required to convert the fuel into volatiles. For a liquid, that would be the latent heat of vaporization.

enter image description here

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