[Physics] Does light reflect if incident at exactly the critical angle


A lot of textbooks and exam boards claim that light incident at exactly the critical angle is transmitted along the media boundary (i.e. at right-angles to the normal), but this seems to violate the principle of reversibility in classical physics. How would a photon or ray travelling in the reverse direction "know" when to enter the higher refracting medium? It can't know, so I conclude that such light is simply reflected?

Is this correct?

Best Answer

When one is exactly at the critical angle, the light behaves in a way that may be interpreted as "something in between" refraction and reflection: it continues in a direction that is tangent to the boundary of the mediums.

enter image description here

When the angle is smaller than the critical angle, we get refraction. At the critical angle, $\theta_2$ of the refraction becomes 90 degrees, so we get the tangent propagation. At angles larger than the critical ones, there is a discontinuity: the equation for $\theta_2$ (arcsine of something) has no solutions which is why we get a total internal reflection.

There is nothing about these facts that would contradict reversibility or time-reversal symmetry of the laws of physics. If we time reverse the behavior at the critical angle, it indeed looks like the light must "randomly pick" a moment at which it enters the medium with the higher refraction index and there isn't any unique way to pick the preferred moment.

But that's not a problem because the probability that the direction of light is "exactly" tangent to the boundary is zero. In a real-world situation, the light will be a superposition of beams with angles $\theta_2=\pi/2-\epsilon$ for various small values of $\epsilon$, and for any nonzero $\epsilon$, the light will know very well when it hits the boundary. So your problem only occurs at a negligible, "measure zero" portion of the situation, so it is at most a "measure zero" problem. When one adds the appropriate degree of realism and specifies the precise angles and deviations from the "idealized model", the problem goes away.

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