[Physics] Does increasing tension on a string reduce or increase the harmonic wavelength for a standing wave


I had thought that increasing tension on a string increases the frequency and thus decreases the wavelength. My book says otherwise. Which is correct?

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Best Answer

This question is about standing waves on a string of length $L$ with fixed ends. A string like this will behave differently when it is excited with external vibrations depending on the frequency. Because frequency and wavelength are connected via $c=\lambda f$, there is a corresponding wavelength for each excitation frequency. If $\lambda = \frac{c}{f} \stackrel{!}{=} 2L$ or $L = \frac{\lambda}{2}$ a standing wave with large amplitude will occur with one antinode and two nodes at the ends. If the frequency will be increased by a small amount, the standing wave will collapse. If you keep increasing the frequency, the point where $L = \lambda$ will be reached and another standing wave with two antinodes and three nodes (ends + middle) will form. In general there will be standing waves if $L = k \cdot \frac{\lambda}{2}$ or $\lambda = \frac{2L}{k}$, $k = 1, 2, 3, \dots$.

Now you have to use $\lambda = \frac{c}{f}$ to get $$ \frac{c}{f} = \frac{2L}{k}$$ or (multiplying both sides with $f$ and $k$) $$kc = 2fL$$

The book seems to assume that you know that $c$ will increase with increased tension. The right hand side of the equation is fixed, therefore k must decrease to keep the left hand side constant.

Note that $k$ is still limited to the natural numbers. Your initial situation has $k=3$ for the given conditions of $c$, $f$ and $L$.