Newtonian Gravity – Does Gravity Get Stronger Higher Up on a Mountain?


So I saw this article stating that gravity is stronger on the top on the mountain due to there being more mass under you however I have read some questions other people have asked and most of the responses state that the mass is concentrated at the middle of the earth meaning gravity doesn't get stronger the higher up you go. I would like to know which one of these it is as the article is a pretty reliable source. Here is the link to the article

Best Answer

You are getting different answers from NASA and from other sources, as they are talking about slightly different things.

NASA is talking about the acceleration of the GRACE satellite towards the earth, as it orbited over different regions. When it went over the Himalayas, for example, the acceleration (gravity) was higher than average.

Other sources are talking about the difference in acceleration due to gravity at ground level, compared to if you were to walk up the Himalayas, then the acceleration would decrease. That's because even though there would be more mass underneath, you've increased the distance from the earth.

More detail:

At the bottom of a cone shaped mountain of mass $m$, radius $r$ and height $r$, the acceleration due to gravity is $g$, due to the earth of mass $M$, radius $R$.


the difference in gravity after climbing the mountain is

$$\frac{GM}{{(R+r)}^2}+\frac{Gm}{{(\frac{3}{4}r)}^2} - g\tag2$$

The 3/4 is due to the position of the COM of a cone. Using 1) it's


From formulae for the volume of a sphere and a cone and assuming equal density

$$\frac{m}{M} = \frac{r^3}{4R^3}\tag4$$

so 3) becomes, in terms of $g$

$$y= (1+\frac{r}{R})^{-2}+\frac{4r}{9R}-1\tag5$$,

putting $x = \frac{r}{R}$

$$y= (1+x)^{-2}+\frac{4}{9}x-1\tag6$$

plotting this

enter image description here

shows that there is a decrease in the acceleration due to gravity for all realistic cone shaped mountains.

For Everest, if it were a cone, $x=0.0014$ and the reduction in gravity is $y=0.002g$, so the usual $9.81$ becomes about $9.79 \;\text{m}\,\text{s}^{-2}$.