[Physics] Does diffusion current in semiconductor always exist


According to what I understand, diffusion current is caused by the change in concentration of charge carriers in semiconductor (free electrons and holes) from higher concentration region to lower concentration region due to thermal energy. However, I'm still unsure that if the diffusion current always exist inside crystal. As the concentration drop in higher region and increase in lower region, finally, the concentration in the whole crystal will be equal so no concentration change. Will the diffusion current still exist after that.

Moreover, in non-doping semiconductor (ex: pure Si) the density/amounts of holes and electrons the same so is there diffusion current. Suppose that the diffusion is only 1 dimensional and 1 direction. The charge carriers which diffuse contain both hole and electron then the total charge movement is zero that make the current zero, is it true?

Best Answer

In a semiconductor at thermal and diffusive equilibrium, the net current is zero for each of the carrier types, i.e., it is zero both for the electron and hole currents separately. The total current is the sum of the diffusion current (proportional to the gradient of the density of carriers) and the drift current driven by an external field (the electrostatic field in most of the cases for a semiconductor). In brief, in a semiconductor in thermodynamic equilibrium the diffusion current compensates the drift current for each of the carriers separately resulting in a zero net current.

Note that an intrinsic semiconductor at thermodynamic equilibrium may have diffusion and drift currents different from zero but the total net current still be zero due to the compensation of the drift and diffusion currents (this would be the case of an isolated semiconductor crystal placed inside an electric field).