[Physics] Does anti-matter increase or decrease in entropy over time


Antimatter is matter going backwards through time. From the perspective of a matter-based observer does antimatter:

  • Increase in entropy (and therefore decrease in entropy in its own time)


  • Decrease in entropy (and therefore increase in entropy in its own time)

Option 2 would seem to explain why we don't see much anti-matter (it all went into energy.)

Which is correct? Does antimatter increase or decrease in entropy over time?

Best Answer

Antimatter increase in entropy over time. We can verify this with a thought experiment. Take ten positrons. Put five in one side of a chamber with a barrier and then the other 5 on the other side of the barrier in the same chamber. The chamber and barrier are also made of antimatter. The positrons repel each other and so each have a certain amount of kinetic energy due to changes in their potential energy. Now, remove the barrier and see if they tend to randomly assort themselves throughout the chamber. Because they are more likely to be found in disordered arrangements over time we know that the entropy of this system is increasing with time.

What we wouldn't observe, is all of the positrons moving back to where they started and not mixing at all. Not that it's impossible, just extremely unlikely.