[Physics] Does a magnifying glass always make image at least distance of distinct vision


If an object is placed between focal length and optical center of a convex lens, a virtual, magnified and erect image is formed. But if we change the position of object within the focal length of lens, does the image still remains at 25 cm from eye? In other words is image always formed at least distance of distinct vision regardless of the position of object as long as it is within the focal length?

Best Answer

If the object is in the focal plane of the lens then the upright, virtual image is seen at infinity - parallel rays of light enter the eye.

Bringing the object closer to the lens also brings the virtual image closer and the angular magnification also increases.

With the unaided eye the3 greatest magnification is obtained when the virtual image is as close as it can be whilst the optical surfaces within the eye still produce a focussed image on the retina.
That distance is called the least distance of distinct vision and usually is taken to be 25 cm.

So the position of the virtual image as seen by the eye varies as the position of the object varies.

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