[Physics] Do topological superconductors exhibit symmetry-enriched topological order


Gapped Hamiltonians with a ground-state having long-range entanglement (LRE), are said to have topological order (TO), while if the ground state is short-range entangled (SRE) they are in the trivial phase. The topological properties of a system with topological order (such as anyonic statistics, ground-state degeneracy etc.) are protected for any perturbations of the Hamiltonian that does not close the energy gap above the ground state. See more details here.

If we further require that the system is protected by a symmetry $G$, the LRE states split further into several classes called symmetry-enriched topological order (SET). The SRE state (which is trivial without symmetry protection) is also split into several classes called symmetry protected topological order (SPT). The added physical features of these systems (such as gappless edge-states) are only protected for perturbations which do not close the gap and do not break the symmetry $G$.

Topological insulators are know belong to SPT states, they are SRE and their topological properties are only protected by a symmetry. Related cousins to topological insulators are topological superconductors. In this context, one usually think of superconductors as insulators + particle-hole symmetry (which comes from the Bogoliubov de Gennes Hamiltonian + Nambu spinor notation). This might lead you to conclude that topological superconductors are also SPT states.

However, it is known (by some) that superconductors cannot be described by a local gauge-invariant order-parameter as usual symmetry-breaking phases of matter (but a non-local gauge invariant order parameter exist.) A s-wave superconductor is actually topologically ordered (and thus LRE), and exhibits anyonic statistics, ground-state degeneracy on higher-genus manifolds, low-energy topological quantum field theory (TQFT) description and so on. It is topologically in the same phase as the famous Kitaev Toric code, the $\mathbb Z_2$ topological order. See details here.

Now, my question is the following: is it wrong to consider topological superconductors (such as certain p-wave superconductors) as SPT states? Aren't they actually SET states?

Best Answer

Let me first answer your question "is it wrong to consider topological superconductors (such as certain p-wave superconductors) as SPT states? Aren't they actually SET states?"

(1) Topological superconductors, by definition, are free fermion states that have time-reversal symmetry but no U(1) symmetry (just like topological insulator always have time-reversal and U(1) symmetries by definition). Topological superconductor are not p+ip superconductors in 2+1D. But it can be p-wave superconductors in 1+1D.

(2) 1+1D topological superconductor is a SET state with a Majorana-zero-mode at the chain end. But time reversal symmetry is not important. Even if we break the time reversal symmetry, the Majorana-zero-mode still appear at chain end. In higher dimensions, topological superconductors have no topological order. So they cannot be SET states.

(3) In higher dimensions, topological superconductors are SPT states.

The terminology is very confusing in literature:

(1) Topological insulator has trivial topological order, while topological superconductors have topological order in 1+1D and no topological order in higher dimensions.

(2) 3+1D s-wave superconductors (or text-book s-wave superconductors which do not have dynamical U(1) gauge field) have no topological order, while 3+1D real-life s-wave superconductors with dynamical U(1) gauge field have a Z2 topological order. So 3+1D real-life topological superconductors (with dynamical U(1) gauge field and time reversal symmetry) are SET states.

(3) p+ip BCS superconductor in 2+1D (without dynamical U(1) gauge field) has a non-trivial topological order (ie LRE) as defined by local unitary (LU) transformations. Even nu=1 IQH state has a non-trivial topological order (LRE) as defined by LU transformations. Majorana chain is also LRE (ie topologically ordered). Kitaev does not use LU transformation to define LRE, which leads to different definition of LRE.