Electromagnetism – Do the Integral Forms of Maxwell’s Equations Have Limited Applicability Due to Retardation?

electric-currentelectromagnetismmagnetic fieldsmaxwell-equationsspecial-relativity

In the usual bookwork treatment, it is easy to show that the differential and integral forms of Maxwell's equations are equivalent using Gauss's and Stokes's theorems. I have always thought that neither version is more fundamental than the other and each has its place in solving problems. (See also Which form of Maxwell's equations is fundamental, in integral form or differential form? )

But: I have a conceptual problem with applying the integral forms of these equations in cases where there is time-dependence and the "size" of the loop or area means there is a significant light travel time across the regions considered compared with the timescale on which fields vary.

e.g. Suppose there is a time-varying current in a wire $I(t)$ and I wish to find the fields a long way from the wire. My first instinct is that this ought to be solved using the inhomogeneous wave equations to give A- and V-fields that are dependent on the retarded time – hence leading to the E- and B-fields.

But what about using Ampere's law in integral form? What is the limit of its validity? If we write
$$ \oint \vec{B}(r,t)\cdot d\vec{l} = \mu_0 I(t) + \mu_0 \int \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \vec{E}(r,t)}{\partial t} \cdot d\vec{A}$$
then presumably the $t$ that is defined on each side of the equation cannot be the same, since a change in $I$ at time $t$, presumably leads to a change in $B(r)$ at a time $t + r/c$? I suppose one does not care about this so long as the timescale for a current change is $\gg r/c$.

So my question is: Are the integral forms of Maxwell's equations inherently limited by this approximation, or is there a way of formulating them so that they take account of the finite size of a region in cases where the fields are time-variable?

Best Answer

It is easy to show that the differential and integral forms of Maxwell's equations are equivalent using Gauss's and Stokes's theorems.

Correct, they are equivalent (assume no GR, and no QM) in the sense that if the integral versions hold for any surface/loop then the differential versions hold for any point, and if the differential versions hold for every point then the integral versions hold for any surface/loop. (This also assumes you write the integral versions in the complete and correct form with the flux of the time partials of the fields and/or with stationary loops.)

Suppose there is a time-varying current in a wire $I(t)$ and I wish to find the fields a long way from the wire.

Ampere's Law is correct, but it is not also helpful. If you know the circulation of $\vec B$, you can use it to find the total current (charge and displacement). If you know the total current (charge and displacement), then you can find the circulation of $\vec B$. But solving for $\vec B$ itself is hard unless you have symmetry.

What about using Ampere's law in integral form? What is the limit of its validity?

It is completely valid, but it might not be helpful. When you write: $$ \oint \vec{B}(r,t)\cdot d\vec{l} = \mu_0 I(t) + \mu_0 \iint \epsilon_0 \frac{\partial \vec{E}(r,t)}{\partial t} \cdot d\vec{a}$$ then the $t$ that is used on each side of the equation is exactly the same.

When $I(t)$ changes, then $\vec B$ field nearby changes quickly, and when there is a changing $\vec B$ field there is a circulating electric field, so as the region of changing $\vec B$ field expands, so does the region of newly circulating electric fields. Both expand together. Eventually the expanding sphere of changing $\vec B$ field and changing circulating electric fields finally starts to reach the Amperian loop (together), and only then does the circulation of $\vec B$ on the far away Amperian loop change. If there was just one change in $I(t)$, then the expanding shell of changing electric fields continues expanding, and you are stuck with the new value of the circulating $\vec B$ field, based on the current that changed a while back.

So, to solve for $\vec B$, you'd need both $I$ and $\partial \vec E /\partial t$ and the latter you need for all the empty space on a surface through the Amperian Loop. Maxwell's equations don't have limited validity and do not need to be modified. They just aren't always as useful as you might want them to be.