[Physics] Do the electromagnetic waves that the human body emit differ depending on the emotional state the person at a given time


Do the electromagnetic waves that the human body emit differ depending on the emotional state the person at a given time?

Which leads me to ask if this is true, does this have a impact on the body if it is subjected to negative emotion for a sustained length of time?

Best Answer

As others have said, yes, they do for the reasons already stated. However, I think the OP meant that if I am close to someone with negative emotions all the time, will their electromagnetic field emissions have an effect on me? (Different than if they are happy for example.)

The answer is no. Electromagnetic fields can have an effect on people. For example, transcranial magnetic stimulation is a very real effect that can change your personality, at least for a while after stimulation. However, the fields needed for this effect are relatively strong and need to have very specific properties and localization to produce the desired effects. In another example, get into a giant microwave oven turned on and things will not be pleasant. Once again, the fields must be very large. However, any change in electromagnetic radiation that results from your emotions is extremely small compared to your "background" emissions and to the environment. You also have no specific sense able to detect such changes emitted from people around you.

This is not to say that being with negative people could not be bad for you, but the effects of the electromagnetic field is not the cause. This would be more a question for a psychology forum.

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