[Physics] Do spin-spin interactions break time reversal symmetry

quantum mechanicsquantum-spinsymmetrysymmetry-breakingtime-reversal-symmetry

I'm sure the answer is yes, but how is this shown? Normally for a single spin-1/2 you have a time reversal operator: $-i \sigma_y \hat{K}$ where $\sigma_y$ is the second Pauli matrix and $\hat{K}$ is the conjugation operator. How is this generalized to two spins?

I am thinking of whether or not interactions like exchange ($J \hat{S}_1 \cdot \hat{S}_2$) or the hyperfine interaction (contact Fermi: $a \hat{S} \cdot \hat{I}$) break time reversal symmetry.

Best Answer

I think the answer should be 'no'.

Because when we introduce the antiunitary time-reversal(TR) opeartor $T$ for spin-system, it should satisfy $T\mathbf{S}_iT^{-1}=-\mathbf{S}_i$ since angular-momentum should be sign reversed under TR(due to the classical correspondence). Thus, spin-spin interactions like $\mathbf{S}_i\cdot\mathbf{S}_j$ are invariant under TR.

The TR operator $T$ for the $N$-spin-$1/2$ system has a form $T=(-i)^N\sigma_1^y\sigma_2^y...\sigma_N^yK$, where $K$ is the conjugation operator. You can easily check that $T$ is antiunitary and satisfy $T\mathbf{S}_iT^{-1}=-\mathbf{S}_i$. Furthermore, $T^2=(-1)^N$, so for odd-number spin system(including single spin case), if the Hamiltonian has TR symmetry, we will arrive at the well-known Kramers theorem.