[Physics] Do rainbows show spectral lines from water


A spectral line is the electromagnetic radiation emitted when the electron jumps from higher orbital to a lower orbital of an atom.

Water mainly consists of two elements namely hydrogen and oxygen, my question is why rainbows don't display specific spectral lines with dark gaps in-between?

Best Answer

The water droplets that create a rainbow are not emitting the light that you see in a rainbow; if they were, you would see a glowing cloud of consistent color, not a rainbow. The rainbow is formed by sunlight refracting and reflecting through water droplets in the air; the water refracts through the "front" of the drop, reflects off the "back," and refracts again on the way back out. The refractions are what separate the colors, since different wavelengths of light refract to different degrees. If you used devices capable of imaging in other wavelengths of light, you'd see further bands of "color" beyond the red and violet sides of the rainbow, resulting from the infrared/ultraviolet (and other wavelengths beyond those) radiation in the sunlight.

So in short, the full-spectrum appearance of the rainbow is due to the fact that the source of the light (the sun) is a thermal blackbody and emits a blackbody spectrum.