[Physics] Do people wearing glasses have different field of view than those who don’t


There is one thing I sometimes wonder about ever since I was a child.

  • Do people who wear eye glasses see objects in different size than those who don't?(Technically different size means different projected image size on the retina.)

  • For example do myopic people who wear diverging lens see the world smaller, than a person with healthy eyes?

  • Or conversely do hyperopic people who wear magnifying lenses to see sharp have a zoomed-in view of world?

EDIT: Sorry all, I wanted to mean "field of view" instead of line of sight.

Best Answer

Yes. I am myopic and I see a slight double image along the edge of my glasses:

This means that the field of view inside the frame is bigger - zoomed out - than what it would be with the same frames but without the lenses.

Similarly, objects are slightly but perceptibly smaller than they are without the glasses, as is clear from the size of the mugs at bottom left of the image. Zooming in on them and putting the inside- and outside-the-glasses versions in direct contrast gives a clearer picture:

As has been pointed out, the effect is strongly dependent on your exact position with respect to the lens, and it is exaggerated in the picture above because the camera is artificially far from the lens. Visually, and with the glasses correctly worn, the effect is milder and it looks closer to the door handle below:

For the handle to look like this I need to be about 2m from the door; I have about 2.5 dioptres in that direction if my memory serves.

In practice, though, your field of clear vision is restricted to the frame of the glasses, which do not cover a lot of your peripheral vision. This means that in practice you have a much reduced line of sight compared with someone without glasses, or who uses contact lenses. Whatever amplification was gained through this mechanism - the optics of which have been described in detail in other answers - is completely lost to this, and it's something to be aware of with people wearing glasses - our field of view is rather restricted, regardless of whether one is myopic or hyperopic.

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