General Relativity – Do Only Black Holes Emit Gravitational Waves?


A friend and I are hobby physicist. We don't really understand that much but at least we try to 🙂 We tried to understand what the recently discovered gravitational waves at LIGO are, how they are created and how they have been measured. If I remember correctly, the information we found was that only large/massive objects, for example colliding black holes or neutron stars, emit these. What about smaller objects, e.g. a basketball hitting the ground or an asteroid hitting the earth? Do they also emit gravitation waves? And if not, at which threshold of mass is this happening?


Best Answer

Gravitational waves (GW) are emitted by all systems which have an 'accelerating quadrupole moment' --- which means that the systems have to be undergoing some sort of acceleration (i.e. a constant velocity is not enough), and they have to be asymmetric. The perfect example is a binary system, but something like an asymmetric supernovae is also expected to emit GW.

The total mass of the system doesn't matter [1] in determining whether GW are produced or not. It does determine how strong the GW are. The more massive the system and the more compact they are, the stronger the GW, and the more likely they are to be detectable---of course, how often an event happens nearby is also very important. The examples you give, black holes (BH) and neutron stars (NS), are some of the best sources because they are the most compact objects in the universe.

Another aspect to consider is the detection method. LIGO for example is only sensitive to GW in a certain frequency range (kilohertz-ish), and roughly stellar-mass systems (like binaries of NS and stellar-mass BH) emit at those frequencies. Something like supermassive BH binaries, in wide-separation orbits, emit GW at frequencies of (often) nanohertz --- which are expected to be detected by an entirely different type of method: by Pulsar Timing Arrays.

There is a proposed mission called the Laser-Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) which would detect objects at frequencies intermediate between Pulsar Timing Arrays and ground-based interferometers (like LIGO), which would detect tremendous numbers of White-Dwarf binaries.

[1] General Relativity (GR), the theory which describes gravity and gravitational waves, has a property called "scale invariance". This means that no matter how massive things are, all of the properties of the system look the same if you scale by the mass. For example, if I run a GR simulation of a 10 solar-mass BH, the results would be identical to that of a 10 million solar-mass BH --- except one million times smaller in length-scales (for example the radius of the event horizon). This means that no matter the total mass of the binary, GW are still produced. It's also very convenient for running simulations... one simulation can apply to many situations!

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