[Physics] Do matter and antimatter annihilate or release energy


Do matter and antimatter eliminate each other or release their equivalent energies? I'm almost certain it's the latter as mass can't be destroyed, but when speaking of the big bang it's said if there were equal amounts of both matter and antimatter there would be nothing left. I wonder how that can be true if they don't destroy each other. It may have something to do with how energy decays into matter.

Best Answer

Do matter and antimatter annihilate or release energy?

They typically annihilate and release energy. Check out electron-positron annihilation, and low-energy proton-antiproton annihilation.

enter image description here

Image credit CSIRO, see The Big Bang & the Standard Model of the Universe

Do matter and antimatter eliminate each other or release their equivalent energies? I'm almost certain it's the latter as mass can't be destroyed

Energy can't be destroyed, mass is destroyed in annihilation.

when speaking of the big bang it's said if there were equal amounts of both matter and antimatter there would be nothing left.

There is another way to destroy particles, you can "melt" them. See this RHIC article. It talks about a quark-gluon soup, but IMHO it's best to think in terms of pea soup. There aren't any actual peas in pea soup. The peas got destroyed. If you can destroy some particles without using pair annihilation, you aren't limited to having equal numbers of electrons and positrons and protons and antiprotons. You can get into what's called a "stability tip". Think in terms of game play, where a small initial advantage is magnified, and one side wins.

Note that while people talk about baryon asymmetry, there's also a matching lepton asymmetry. And don't forget that you can't have a stable universe if one side doesn't win. I think it's a bit like a game of mixed doubles in tennis myself, and that the words matter and antimatter are a bit of a convention rather than being something that's justified by particle properties.

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