laser – Do Laser Beams Noticeably Interfere with Each Other?


I want to arrange some red lasers along a 90 degree arc of a circle, aimed towards the center of the circle. When their beams hit the opposite side of the circle, will I notice any interference effects? What if I use dozens of lasers?

Laser arc

If they do interfere, how do I calculate the interference pattern?

Best Answer

No, there will not be an interference pattern. You can find interference patterns at the point where two lasers meet. After the laser beams crossed, you will not observe any effects of the crossing since there are no elemental photon-photon interactions.

So if you move the screen into the crossing point you will probably see interference, but it is hard to calculate because you don't know the phase difference exactley since you use different lasers and not split one beam.

In different words: If two light beams cross each other, they don't interact.

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