Interferometry – Do Interference Rings Disappear if Path Lengths in an Interferometer Are Identical?


Consider a standard Michelson Interferometer (I took the picture from

Michelson Interferometer

The incident beam is split into two parts, where the two parts travel on different paths to the screen. If the paths are of different length and the incident wave is a spherical one, one sees the interference ring pattern at the detector. I now have three questions:

1.) What happens if the path lengths are exactly identical. Do I then still see the interference pattern?

2.) How does the patter on the screen change if I then slowly change one of the path lengths?

3.) What happens if I use plane waves instead of spherical ones? If the difference between the two paths corresponds to a phase difference of $\Delta \phi= \pi$ do the plane waves cancel out at the screen?

Best Answer

The answer is no, you don't get any interference rings if both arms of the Michelson are identical and the beamsplitter is perfectly flat.

The answer with real optics is somewhat more complicated. Real laser beams have curved wavefronts (as opposed to plane) whose curvature changes as they propagate. If you take two laser beams of the same frequency but different curvatures and overlap them on a camera, then you will get interference rings like shown in your wikipedia diagram, two laser beams of the same curvature give an interference pattern with no rings.

In a Michelson interferometer the things which could cause the two returning beams to have different curvatures are numerous but the most common ones are: path length differences between the arms, curvature of the two end mirrors, or curvature of the beamsplitter.

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