[Physics] Do humans emit any energy that can be measured through the fingertips


I am doing a bit of experimentation in touchscreen, and from my science classes I am pretty sure I remember being told that humans emit some sort of energy, I'v been researching this, and found Magnetic Induction, not sure if this is actually a thing in humans, and electric waves, I would really appreciate some correct info on this!

I plan to use this touchscreen, or what ever it should be called, for silent buttons on keyboards.

Best Answer

Do humans emit any energy that can be measured through the fingertips?

Put the finger tips of one hand very close to, but not touching, your lips. Do you feel warmth? You are emitting infra red radiation, the same radiation that police helicopters use at night to track burglers, car thieves etc.

enter image description here

Infrared map of a human face

But you do not need to emit anything to operate touchscreens.

enter image description here

Source: Touchscreens

These screens are made from multiple layers of glass. The inner layer conducts electricity and so does the outer layer, so effectively the screen behaves like two electrical conductors separated by an insulator—in other words, a capacitor. When you bring your finger up to the screen, you alter the electrical field by a certain amount that varies according to where your hand is. Capacitive screens can be touched in more than one place at once. Unlike most other types of touchscreen, they don't work if you touch them with a plastic stylus (because the plastic is an insulator and stops your hand from affecting the electric field).