[Physics] Do gravitational fields exist in vacuum region


I was reading about "vacuum solution" in wiki, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vacuum_solution_(general_relativity). There are some words I'm confused.

1.In general relativity, a vacuum solution is a Lorentzian manifold whose Einstein tensor vanishes identically. According to the Einstein field equation, this means that the stress–energy tensor also vanishes identically, so that no matter or non-gravitational fields are present.

2.Since $T^{ab} = 0$ in a vacuum region, it might seem that according to general relativity, vacuum regions must contain no energy. But the gravitational field can do work, so we must expect the gravitational field itself to possess energy, and it does.

It seems to be conflicted about the existence of gravitational fields. So my question is , do $T^{ab}=0$ mean no matter and non-gravitational fields?

Best Answer

That article's choice of words could certainly be improved. Basically yes, $T$ captures all the non-gravitational "stuff."

The idea of a "gravitational field" doesn't really fit in to GR. There is stress-energy $T$ everywhere, and there is a metric $g$ everywhere, and that's really all you need to define what exists.

The article is trying to say that even if spacetime is more or less empty of stress-energy, there is a potential for stuff to happen thanks to the metric being nontrivial. Really, this is nothing new -- in Newtonian gravity, two separated bodies have as a system a gravitational potential energy that doesn't really reside anywhere. Trying to localize this potential "energy" in space is more difficult/ill-defined in GR than in Newtonian gravity.

In GR you can have two isolated masses sitting in space initially at rest. The stress-energy tensor is nonzero only in the regions occupied by the masses. Exterior to the masses the homogeneous Einstein equation is the same as that for empty Minkowski space, but the solution depends on the boundary conditions imposed by the masses and is in fact not Minkowski but rather some nonlinear superposition of Schwarzschild solutions. The nontrivial nature of the metric (which one could perhaps misleadingly call a "gravitational field") means the masses will start to move toward one another.

Another example is gravitational waves. These are again solutions to the homogeneous Einstein equation (i.e. the equation in vacuum), but they are nontrivial solutions. The metric is not just Minkowski.

To see this more mathematically, one could turn to the ADM equations of motion. Take a hypersurface of constant timelike coordinate $t$. The induced $3$-metric on this surface has components $\gamma_{ij}$ and "conjugate momentum" $\pi^{ij}$. These can be written in terms of $g$ without reference to $T$. Then there are known equations for $\partial_t \gamma_{ij}$ and $\partial_t \pi^{ij}$. In particular, only specially contrived setups will have $\partial_t \gamma_{ij} = 0$.

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