[Physics] Do electromagnetic waves travel in the same speed only in vacuum? Why so


I've read that all electromagnetic waves travel in the same speed in vacuum. But what about air, water and other materials, is their speed different in those materials, if yes then why?

Best Answer

Your question can be answered in a variety of ways that are quite different from each other depending on whether a classical or quantum type answer is most meaningful to you. However, I will take a very simple Classical argument to answer your question.

Wave propagation in Free space is the Speed of Light usually denoted by the letter $c$. Maxwell's equations tell us that this value of $c$ can be computed from the following relationship with the permeability of free space $\mu_0$ and the permittivity of free space $\epsilon_0$: $$ c = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\mu_0 \epsilon_0}} $$ However, in material mediums, both of these values of permeability and permittivity can change in such a manner that the resultant speed computed is less than the standard speed of light in a vacuum.

These values of permeability and permittivity are sort of like an impedance to the flow of the electromagnetic waves. As a result, the medium is sometimes denoted as having a velocity factor for electromagnetic waves which is a percentage of the speed of light for that medium.