[Physics] Do current models of particle physics explain the chemical properties of elements/compounds


I have a particle system of seven protons and seven (or sometimes eight) neutrons (each formed by their appropriate quarks, etc.) bound together in a state that can be macroscopically described as a nucleus. If relevant, there are also about seven electrons that are bound to this arrangement. These particle systems are usually found in pairs, bound to eachother.

Macroscopically, this can be modeled as the elemental Nitrogen ($N_2$), and in other disciplines (such as chemistry), it is treated as a basic unit.

We know that at a certain level of thermal energy, this system of elementary particles exist inert and packed together in what can be macroscopically described as a "liquid". We know that this is this temperature is about 77.36 Kelvin (measured experimentally) at the most. Any higher and they start repelling each other and behave as a macroscopic gas.

Is there any way, from simply analyzing the particles that make up this system (the quarks making up fourteen protons and 14-16 neutrons, the electrons) and their interactions due to the current model of particles (is this The Standard Model?), to find this temperature 77.36 Kelvin?

Can we "derive" 77.36 K from only knowing the particles and their interactions with each other, in the strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force?

If so, what is this derivation?

Best Answer

Theoretically, yes it should be possible to derive the boiling point of diatomic nitrogen from fundamental forces. In fact, you don't even need to involve the strong force or weak force (or the strong nuclear force, which is sort of different). The strong forces bind the quarks together into nucleons and the nucleons together into nuclei, but they have essentially no effect on distance scales much larger than that of an atomic nucleus. So, for purposes of calculating the boiling point of nitrogen, you can treat the nucleus as basically a point charge. The only force that is relevant to calculating a boiling point is the electromagnetic force.

Now the bad news: even something as simple as calculating the energy levels of helium, with 2 electrons, is impossible to do analytically. To analyze the behavior of even just those two electrons (and He nucleus) in detail, you need to use either perturbation theory or a numerical simulation, or both. And of course, the complexity increases with the number of particles, so simulating the 14 electrons and 2 nuclei of a nitrogen molecule is absurdly complicated. Perhaps it's been done, but I'm not a condensed matter physicist so I wouldn't know where to look for a reference. Maybe someone else can provide you with that information.

If you were to calculate the boiling point of nitrogen, I believe the main effect that you'd take into account would be the instantaneous dipole interaction. According to the Wikipedia article, it gives an interaction energy in terms of the polarizabilities and ionization energies of the molecules. Those are the quantities that you would have to extract from your simulation and/or perturbative calculation of the dynamics of the nitrogen molecule, if you wanted to calculate the effect from first principles.

$$E_{AB}^{\rm disp} \approx -{3 \alpha^A \alpha^B I_A I_B\over 4(I_A + I_B)} R^{-6}$$

(that formula is actually for monatomic noble gases, it may not apply to diatomic molecules)

Once you get the interaction energy as a function of intermolecular separation $R$, you would then have to do either another numerical simulation, or a rather complicated calculation, to show that a large pool of nitrogen molecules subject to the given intermolecular force undergoes a phase transition at 77.36K (at standard pressure, I assume). There are various thermodynamic models you could use, some more accurate than others, but of course the more accuracy you want, the more computation power you'll need. I suspect that in order to get within a few degrees of the actual temperature, you would need to do something more computationally intensive than would be possible by hand.