[Physics] Distance traveled by a water jet

bernoulli-equationfluid dynamicshomework-and-exercisesnewtonian-mechanics

I helped my kid in a science fair project, where we punctured holes in a water bottle at various heights and then measured the distance traveled by the water jets before they hit the ground. The experimental observation is that the plot of distance traveled to height of hole "appears" parabolic with maximum distance traveled by the almost the "center" jet. I want to have a theoretical explanation for it.

Here are two answers using notation: $H$=top surface of water, $h$=height of jet, $d$=distance traveled by jet

  1. $Pressure = \rho g (H-h)$, Force on a droplet of area $A$ and volume $V$ is $F=\rho g (H-h) A$. Assuming this force acts for some unit time t, speed at orifice exit is $S=g (H-h) At/V$. Since time to fall for the droplet is $\sqrt {2h/g}$. Distance traveled by a droplet is $d=g (H-h) At/V \sqrt {2h/g}$, the maximum occurs at $h = H/3$
  2. Using Bernoulli's equation, $P+\frac{1}{2}\rho S^2+\rho gh=const$, then assuming velocity at top surface is negligible, $\frac{1}{2}\rho S^2=\rho g(H-h)$, so $S=\sqrt {2g(H-h)}$. Since time to fall for a droplet is $\sqrt {2h/g}$. Distance traveled by a droplet is $d=\sqrt {2g(H-h)} \sqrt {2h/g}$, the maximum occurs at $h = H/2$.

In my opinion, the first one is right, as ignoring the velocity of top surface of water is incorrect. Can you help me understand which is the correct approach.

Note: Similar question was asked before and they all seemed to take the second approach. Also, I used $S$ for speed, as I used $V$ for volume of droplet

Best Answer

The first approach is incorrect because you identify the time a volume of water gets accelerated by the full force of gravity with the time it would take it to fall that distance. If that were the case, it would see less acceleration because the ram effect would decrease the pressure it sees from above to zero.

The second approach gives you the correct equation for the speed although I find your notion curious. $P_h = P_\mathrm{top} + \rho g (H-h)$ is the pressure at the hole (or rather the difference to the ambient air pressure) and the velocity at which water has to travel or gets accelerated to from zero velocity can then indeed be calculated from Bernoulli's equation because the dynamic pressure $\Delta P = \frac{1}{2} \rho v^2$ also correctly describes the ram effect, the difference in pressure in the forward/backward direction (and that's no coincidence, so identifying this with Bernoulli's law for the opposite change in pressure perpendicular to the flow is fine at least in my eyes). Both of your approaches appear to assume that the jet gets ejected horizontally (which is probably true, but I think it should be stated in case someone making a slanted hole misunderstands). I have not checked your maximization, only that the equations you use for it look correct assuming that $S$ is your speed (others might prefer or expect it to be written as $v=|\vec{v}|$ or $\dot{x}$).

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