[Physics] Dispersion in a rectangular prism


Why are the colours visible only at the fringes of the light refracted through a rectangular prism?


Best Answer

White light is not light of a specific colour but the superposition of light rays of a range of different colours. The white light beam is comprised of a reasonably uniform distribution of frequencies across the visible spectrum that are also reasonably uniformly distributed spatially across the width of the beam. As the white beam is refracted the comprising rays are also refracted at varying angles depending on their frequency. This creates a blue and red fringe at the edges of the refracted beam. If the refracted beam was projected onto a screen sufficiently far enough away, then the white light in the centre of the refracted beam would resolve into regions of all the colours of the rainbow between red and blue. Since this distance would have to be very great for incident beams of visible diameter, the other colours of the rainbow simply "mix" to form white light.

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