[Physics] Discontinuity of the derivative of vector potential

boundary conditionselectromagnetismgauge

On p.251 of Introduction to Electrodynamics by Griffiths, there is the formula for the discontinuity of the derivative of vector potential across a surface:
$$ \frac{\partial \textbf{A}_{\text{above}}}{\partial n} – \frac{\partial \textbf{A}_{\text{below}}}{\partial n} = -\mu_0 \textbf{K}$$
I saw a way to prove this formula is to start from
$$\textbf{B}_{\text{above}}-\textbf{B}_{\text{below}} = \mu_0(\textbf{K}\times \hat{\textbf{n}})$$
and take cross product with $\hat{\textbf{n}}$,
\hat{\textbf{n}} \times (\textbf{B}_{\text{above}}-\textbf{B}_{\text{below}})
&= \hat{\textbf{n}} \times (\nabla\times(\textbf{A}_{\text{above}} – \textbf{A}_{\text{below}}))\\
&= \nabla (\textbf{A}_{\text{above}}^\perp – \textbf{A}_{\text{below}}^\perp) – (\hat{\textbf{n}}\cdot \nabla)(\textbf{A}_{\text{above}} – \textbf{A}_{\text{below}})
whereas the RHS becomes $\mu_0 \textbf{K}$. We need to show $\nabla(\textbf{A}_{\text{above}}^\perp – \textbf{A}_{\text{below}}^\perp) = 0$, i.e. all three components are $0$. Suppose $z$ is the normal direction. One of the key step is to show that the $x,y$ derivative of any components of $\textbf{A}$ is continuous, but I don't see why this is true, since this cannot easily follow from the continuity of $\textbf{A}$. (I understand every step of the derivation after this). Does anyone have any idea on how to show the $x,y$ derivatives are continuous?

Best Answer

You can assume $\nabla\cdot \vec{A} =0$.

Can you see that this is analogous to the no-monopole law of $\nabla \cdot \vec{B} =0$?

Therefore, just like the magnetic field, the component of the magnetic vector potential normal to the boundary is continuous and $\vec{A}^{\perp}_{\rm above} = \vec{A}^{\perp}_{\rm below}$.