[Physics] Dirac group representation


I am currently taking a representation theory class (from a physicist), and I am very confused about the Dirac groups' irreducible representations.

First of all, all the Dirac matrices in the representation have trace = 0, so it does not even seem to include a unit matrix. When we talked about representations in class before, we always had a unit matrix in a representation, what happened?

Also, the lecture went into distinguishing the case for 2n-dimension and 2n-1-dimension. While I understand why there is one more conjugacy classes in the odd dimension (thus even dimension having one more irreducible rep than odd dimension), I can't fully appreciate all the difference in the irreducible representations in the cases of even and odd dimensions; in particular, I was asked in a homework to show that if a Dirac matrices {$\gamma^\mu$} form an irreducible rep, then show that {$-\gamma^\mu$} is equivalent irreducible rep in the case of even dimension, and inequivalent irreducible rep in the case of odd dimension. But then again, if I think about the character table to see whether a representation is equivalent or inequivalent to another representation, I feel like matrices in {$\gamma^\mu$} and {-$\gamma^\mu$} will never have same trace, thus they can never be equivalent (unless they are all 0, which is the case, I believe. Then again, how could they be different representations then?).

I would appreciate any good reading materials / answers to my questions!

Best Answer

The defining relation for the Clifford algebra, $Cl(1,d)$ is $$ \{\gamma_\mu,\gamma_\nu\}=2 \eta_{\mu\nu}\ \mathbf{1}\ , $$ For simplicity, I will assume that $\eta_{\mu\nu}=\text{Diag}(1,-1,\ldots,-1)$ with $\mu,\nu=0,1,\ldots,d$. Other signatures can easily be incorporated. It is easy to see that $\gamma_0^2=-\gamma_i^2=\mathbf{1}$ for $i=1,\ldots,d$. Using the defining relation, one has $$ \gamma_0 \gamma_i + \gamma_i \gamma_0 =0 \ . $$ Multiply the above equation by $\gamma_0$ and then take the trace to obtain $$ \text{Tr}(\gamma_i) + \text{Tr}(\gamma_0 \gamma_i \gamma_0)=0\implies \text{Tr}(\gamma_i)=0\ , $$ on using the cyclic property of the trace. Similarly, one can show $\text{Tr}(\gamma_0)=0$. So the defining property proves the tracelessness of the Dirac matrices.

Two representations, $\gamma_\mu$ and $\gamma_\mu'$, of the Clifford algebra are said to be equivalent if $\gamma_\mu' = S \cdot \gamma_\mu S^{-1}$ for some invertible matrix $S$.

Appendix A of the Physics Reports article by Sohnius might be a good starting point for the other properties.

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