[Physics] Dimensions of physical quantities in quantum mechanics

dimensional analysishomework-and-exercisesquantum mechanicsunits

In most introductory quantum mechanics classes, we are introduced to the Dirac notation, concept of the 'state' of the system being represented as an abstract vector in the Hilbert space associated with it, and we are told that measurements of physical quantities involve the action of a Hermitian operator associated with the respective quantity on the wavefunction. Then, we are told that the result of the measurement is one of the eigenvalues of the operator, etc.

However, these measurements are supposed to be of physical observable quantities. Thus, whenever a measurement is done in classical physics, it must give rise to a physical quantity, with dimensions (by dimensions, I mean length, Energy, etc.).

Where exactly does the dimension of the quantity being measured come into the picture while discussing QM? For example, if I say that $|x_0\rangle$ is an eigenstate of the position operator $X$, then the action of the position operator in the ket is written as follows:
Here, what is the quantity $x_0$? Is it just a pure number? Or does $x_0$ have units of length?

If $x_0$ is just a pure number, then where does the length dimension come into picture? If the value $x_0$ is has the dimensions of length, then can the operator $X$ operate on a wavevector multiplied by a quantity with physical dimensions?

Also, are operators of the form $L^2+L_z$, or $P+X$ (which refer to physical quantities with different dimensions; there are no constants being multipled with them) valid operators, and what is the justification (for them either existing or not existing)?

Best Answer

There is nothing special about the treatment of dimensionful quantities in quantum mechanics. In the specific example of the position operator you mentioned,

$$ \hat{x}|x_0\rangle = x_0 |x_0\rangle, $$

the number $x_0$ has dimension of length, since it's one of the possible outcomes of a position measurement.

The addition of operators makes sense only if the operators have the same units. For example, in the ladder operator approach to the quantum harmonic oscillator, the annihilation operator is defined,

$$ \hat{a} = \sqrt{\frac{m\omega}{2\hbar}}\left(\hat{x} + \frac{\imath}{m\omega}\hat{p}\right) $$

The factor of $\frac{\imath}{m\omega}$ ensures that both operators have the same units. Similarly, the expression $\hat{L}^2 + \hbar \hat{L}_z$ is dimensionally correct, because $\hbar$ has units of angular momentum. (Note that if you're using natural units, then $\hbar = 1$, and you might as well write $\hat{L}^2 + \hat{L}_z$.)