[Physics] Diffusion and Drift currents in forward bias


Why do the current in diode in forward bias configuration called "Diffusion current", even if this current is a resultant of external voltage supply which create electric field in diode, hence should be called "drift current"? I also acknowledge that there is concentration gradient as P side is full of holes and N side is full of electrons, but do you think diffusion should be even considered where strong electric field due to bias voltage due to battery is present there ?

Best Answer

You are right that there are both drift and diffusion currents in the pn-diode. However, due to current continuity in the one-dimensional diode model, the total current (electrons and holes) can be described as the sum of the minority diffusion currents in the quasi-neutral p- and n-regions at the respective depletion zone boundaries. This corresponds to the so-called Shockley model of the diode, which works pretty well at not to high voltages when recombination/generation in the depletion zone can be neglected.