[Physics] Difference between Youngs double slit experiment and Double slit diffraction


Both these experiments have double slits but in one interference takes place and in the other both interference and diffraction. If diffraction takes place in double slit diffraction then it should also take place in Young's double slit experiment. How to explain the difference between the two?

Best Answer

Interference and diffraction are the same thing. In fact so is refraction.

The propagation of light is conveniently described using the Huygens-Fresnel principle. The amplitude of the EM wave at a point is calculated by summing up the amplitudes of all the EM waves reaching that point, taking the relative phases into account. This describes the phenomena we variously refer to as interference, diffraction and refraction. The separate names are largely an accident of history (and for convenience I suppose) - the underlying physical principle is the same.