[Physics] Difference between Monte Carlo and Quantum Monte Carlo methods

computational physicscondensed-matter

What are the differences between Classical Monte Carlo methods and Quantum Monte Carlo methods in condensed matter physics? If one want to study strongly correlated systems with Quantum Monte Carlo method, does he/she need to study Classical Monte Carlo method first? (just like if you want to study quantum mechanics you shall study classical mechanics first?)

Best Answer

That depends on what you want to achieve and what literature you have access to. Monte Carlo (MC) and Quantum MC are based on the same methods. Usually textbooks describe MC first and then build on this to explain QMC. One good resource to start is this book: Thijssen: Computational Physics. It does not cover everything in depth but gives a good overview.

Another good resource is this course website. It's free and includes many many code examples.

From the way I learned about those things, I would answer your question with: yes, you should at least take a look at MC before you start with Quantum MC.

EDIT: I just found this resource as well. A good intro to Quantum MC.