[Physics] difference between a Hermitian operator and an observable

definitionhilbert-spaceobservablesoperatorsquantum mechanics

My poorly written lecture notes say that any Hermitian operator does have a complete set of orthogonal eigenstates with real corresponding eigenvalues and is therefore an observable.

In the article Observables, it is said that in order for a Hermitian operator to be observable its eigenvectors must form a complete set.

Best Answer

According to the postulates of quantum mechanics, each observable $p$ quantity is associated with an operator $\hat{p}$ that acts on the wavefunction $\psi$.

The relationship is given by the eigenvalue equation: $$ \hat{p}\psi = p\psi. $$

$\hat{p}$ is an operator, which means nothing on its own. $p$ is the eigenvalues, the observable which is a number.

For instance, if $p$ is the momentum:

  • $\hat{p} = \frac{\hbar}{i}\nabla $, i.e. a functional operator so quite useless on its own;

  • Acting of a plane wave $\psi = e^{ikx}$, $\hat{p}\psi = \hbar k\,\psi $. I.e. the observable momentum is $p=\hbar k$.

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