[Physics] Did the Sun form around a solid core


When Jupiter formed I assume like the other planets it started as tiny clumps of matter that eventually came together, became gravitationally bound and then eventually captured a lot of gas. I've also heard it was capable of collecting a lot of solid ice due to its distance from the Sun. Anyway, if Jupiter were larger we might be living in a binary star system. So, my question then becomes, did the Sun have a similar beginning to Jupiter and in what way was it different? Did the Sun form around a solid core?

Best Answer

No, the Sun is not thought to have formed around a solid core, and solids would not exist at the temperatures and pressures at the centre of the protosun. The Sun formed simply from the gravitational collapse of a large cloud of gas.

The situation for Jupiter is different because far out in the circumstellar disc of the forming solar system, it was cool enough for the condensation of solids. The core accretion model is where gas giant planets begin their lives through the growth of a small (well maybe 10 Earth masses!) rocky/icy core, this is later followed by a brief and rapid accretion of the gaseous envelope.

It is currently not known whether Jupiter has a rocky core or not. That is one of the key questions that it is hoped the Juno mission will answer.

Recent years have seen the re-emergence of the thermal instability model for the rapid formation of gas giants. Such giants would not have a solid core and this formation mechanism is more akin to the way that the Sun formed.

As to whether there could be observational evidence that the Sun did not form around a solid core, I am doubtful. A solid core would of course vapourise at the high temperatures inside the Sun, but its enhanced mean atomic mass could remain, altering the structure of the core, nuclear reaction rates etc. The trouble is, that the vaporisation would occur whilst the contracting Sun was still fully convective, effectively mixing everything up throughout the Sun before nuclear reactions began.