General-Relativity – Did LIGO Measurements Prove That the Speed of Gravity Equals the Speed of Light?


This question about the speed of light prompted my own question. In the linked question it is asked if there is experimental proof that the speed of gravity equals the speed of light. I was surprised not to see the LIGO measurements mentioned.
The experiment uncovered the arrival of a spacetime distortion coming from fast-spinning binary systems of black holes or neutron stars. Due to LIGO's extensive Nature (there is one observatory in Livingston and one in Hanford) it seems that upon arrival the gravitational wave (if it hits the Earth at a sharp angle) will hit one of both observatories first (which one depends obviously from the origin of the wave). So it should be possible to measure the speed of gravity. Or, at least, to measure if the speed is finite (or not).
Has this been done?

Best Answer

Yes. In principle, the speed of gravitational waves can be measured using the data of LIGO. In fact, using a Bayesian approach, the first measurement of the speed of gravitational waves using time delay among the GW detectors was suggested/performed by Cornish, Blas and Nardini. By applying the Bayesian method, they found that the speed of gravitational waves is constrained to 90% confidence interval between $0.55c$ and $1.42c$ by use of the data of binary black hole mergers GW150914, GW151226, and GW170104.

After that, a more precise measurement of the speed of gravitational waves was performed by the measurement of the time delay between GW and electromagnetic observations of the same astrophysical source, as @Andrew nicely mentioned, by use of a binary neutron star inspiral GW170817. They found the speed of gravitational wave signal is the same as the speed of the gamma rays to approximately one part in $10^{15}$. Note that this study is primarily based on the difference between the speed of gravity and the speed of light.

Recently, a new method has been introduced using a geographically separated network of detectors. As the authors mentioned, while this method is far less precise, it provides an independent measurement of the speed of gravitational waves by combining ten binary black hole events and the binary neutron star event from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. By combining the measurements of LIGO and Virgo, and assuming isotropic propagation, the authors have constrained the speed of gravitational waves to ($0.97c$, $1.01c$) which is within 3% of the speed of light in a vacuum.

In my opinion, the best study is the second one (that @Andrew nicely mentioned), in which multiple measurements can be measured to produce a more accurate result, but the later (the third study) has its scientific significance. This is because the later method is an independent method of directly measuring the speed of gravity which is based solely on GW observations and so not reliant on multi-messenger observations, as the authors mentioned.

Besides these achievements, there are other interesting results that one can extract from LIGO's data. For example, observations of LIGO have constrained a lower bound on the graviton Compton wavelength as

$${{\lambda _{{\rm{graviton}}}} > 1.6 \times {{10}^{13}}{\rm{km}}},$$

which is really interesting. In fact, assuming that gravitons are dispersed in vacuum like massive particles, i.e. ${\lambda _{graviton}} = \frac{h}{{{m_{graviton}}\,c}}$, one can find an upper bound for graviton's mass as ${{m_{{\rm{graviton}}}} \le 7.7 \times {{10}^{ - 23}}eV/{c^2} \sim {{10}^{ - 38}}g}$, which is extremely small, beyond the technology of our detectors.

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