[Physics] Determining tension in a rope between two masses using only force arrows (i.e. no calculations)



The situation sketched above is often used for problems involving tension.

Let's say we know the masses $m$ and want to determine the tension $T$ in the rope (no friction, massless rope).

Since this is a vector problem, I expect that there exist two distinct methods which lead to the solution:

  1. Use algebra (this yields $T = \frac{1}{2}mg$, see the older answer by Chester Miller for example).
  2. Draw force arrows and combine them to get the tension force arrow.

I don't get the second method to work.

So my question is: is there a way to determine the tension force arrow by drawing free body diagrams (i.e. without calculating anything)? If not, why not? I have the notion stuck in my head that vector problems should be solvable by drawing arrows.

I'm also interested in the situation where the plane is inclined. The algebraical solution is very similar (only the net force is smaller) but again, I don't see how to determine the tension from the free body diagrams alone.

Best Answer

I think I finally figured out what you are asking. You would like to do an overall force balance on the system using vectors, and have it give you the same result as your scalar analysis. Your problem is that it seems there are only vertical forces on m2 and only horizontal forces on m1, so how can they all properly cancel.

For mass 1, I think we can agree that the normal force of the table top cancels with the weight of mass 1. So we will exclude this from our vector force balance. Our system will be the two masses and the rope. The key to doing this correctly is to recognize that the pulley exerts a net force on our system. From a force balance on the pulley, we find that the pulley axle exerts a force of $(T\mathbf{i_x}+T\mathbf{i_y})$ on the pulley, and this force is transmitted via the pulley to the rope. So the overall force balance on our system is: $$m_1a\mathbf{i_x}+m_2a(-\mathbf{i_y})=(T\mathbf{i_x}+T\mathbf{i_y})-m_2g\mathbf{i_y}$$ If we resolve this force balance into components, we obtain the two scalar force balances in our previous answers.