[Physics] Deriving solution of the Renormalization Group Equation


I am trying to follow Matthew Schwartz's renormalization group lectures (pdf or see Chapter 23 of QFT and the SM by Matthew Schwartz), but I am having trouble with Eq. (book 23.31/pdf 29).

I understand that the $\beta$-function comes from the renormalization group equation (RGE),
\beta(\alpha)\equiv \mu\frac{\partial\alpha}{\partial\mu} \tag{book 23.30/pdf 28},
but then the notes introduce
\beta(\alpha) = -2\alpha\biggl[\frac{\epsilon}{2} + \biggl(\frac{\alpha}{4\pi}\biggr)\beta_0 + \biggl(\frac{\alpha}{4\pi}\biggr)^2\beta_1 + \biggl(\frac{\alpha}{4\pi}\biggr)^3\beta_2 + \cdots\biggr] \tag{23.31/29},
where I've corrected a typo in the pdf. I totally did not understand this expansion. Then it finally goes to
where $\Lambda_\text{QED}$ is the Landau pole and the fundamental scale of QED. Where does it come from? I'd appreciate it if anyone could help me to derive Eq. 23.31/29 and 23.32/30.

Best Answer

Schwartz is simply noting that the $\beta$-function has a generic expansion in QED of the form (29) where $\beta_{0,1,2}$ are some numbers that can be computed by explicitly calculating the various Feynman diagrams.

For instance the leading $\epsilon/2$ is the tree-level result in $d=4-\epsilon$ dimensions. This can be easily seen as follows. In $d=4-\epsilon$, we have $[e]=\epsilon/2$ (do you know how to see this??). Then, we find $[\alpha] = [e^2] = \epsilon$. Thus, we can define the dimensionless renormalized coupling $$ \alpha(\mu) = \mu^{-\epsilon} \alpha $$ This is of course a tree-level result as generically $\alpha$ obtains an anomalous dimension. From this equation, we can determine $$ \beta(\alpha) = \mu \frac{d\alpha}{d\mu} = - \epsilon \alpha $$ This is precisely the first term that he has in the $\beta$-function expansion. If I then take into consideration quantum renormalization effects the $\beta$-function takes the more general form (29).

Good! Now, we understand (29). From (29), we can derive (30). Keeping terms to leading order in $\alpha$ in $d=4\implies \epsilon=0$, we find $$ \beta (\alpha) = \mu \frac{d\alpha}{d\mu} = - \frac{\alpha^2}{2\pi} \beta_0 $$ This differential equation can be solved. Doing so introduces an integration constant $\Lambda_{QED}$ and the solution is of the form $$ \alpha(\mu) = \frac{2\pi}{\beta_0} \frac{1}{\log \frac{\mu}{\Lambda_{QED}}} $$ We can now interpret $\Lambda_{QED}$ as the energy scale where $\alpha(\mu) \to \infty$, i.e. it is the scale where the UV description of the theory breaks down. It is known as the Landau pole.

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