Thermodynamics – How to Derive the Combined Gas Law from Boyle’s and Charles’ Laws


I know that the combined gas law, $$\frac{PV}{T}=k$$ should be derivable from Boyle's Law and Charles' Law. Since these are very basic equations, I presumed that it would be a simple matter, so I tried it myself.

Charles' Law is $$\frac{V}{T}=k_1$$ and Boyle's Law is $$PV=k_2$$The subscripts are arbitrary. In the derivation on Wikipedia, they jump from this to $$PV=k_2T$$

I'm sure I'm just overlooking something silly, but I see no way of combining Charles' and Boyle's to achieve an equation in which we don't cancel at least one of $P$, $V$, or $T$.

What am I missing? Thanks.

Best Answer

You have to realize first that Charles' law is the change in volume with respect to temperature for constant pressure while Boyle's law is the change in volume with respect to pressure for constant temperature. So when you combine them, you need to account for these

If I take a gas of volume $V_1$, pressure $P_1$ and temperature $T_1$ and let it change have a state $(V_*,\,P_2,\,T_1)$, then via Boyle's law, $$ P_1V_1=P_2V_*\tag{1} $$ Then keeping this constant pressure we move to state $(V_2,\,P_2,\,T_2)$ via Charles' law, $$ \frac{V_*}{T_1}=\frac{V_2}{T_2}\tag{2} $$ Solving for $V_*$ in both (1) and (2) then equating them, we get $$ \frac{P_1V_1}{T_1}=\frac{P_2V_2}{T_2} $$ We've changed the pressure, volume and temperature of the gas but still find their product equal, suggesting that the relation is constant: $$ \frac{PV}{T}=k $$

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