[Physics] Derivation of Kelvin’s circulation theorem

fluid dynamics

In the derivation of Kelvin's circulation theorem, I take the material derivative of circulation, or

\dfrac{D\Gamma}{Dt} = \dfrac{D}{Dt}\oint_C \vec{u} \cdot d\vec{\ell}.

Moving the material derivative inside the integral gives

\dfrac{D\Gamma}{Dt} = \oint_C \dfrac{D\vec{u}}{Dt} \cdot d\vec{\ell} + \oint_C \vec{u} \cdot \dfrac{D(d\vec{\ell})}{Dt}.

Given that $d\vec{\ell} = ds \hspace{1mm} \vec{t}$, the second integral of the equation above becomes

\oint_C \vec{u} \cdot d\vec{u}.

How does one arrive at this equation? My attempt would be to use the chain rule so that
\dfrac{D(ds \vec{t})}{Dt} = ds\dfrac{D\vec{t}}{Dt} + \vec{t}\dfrac{D(ds)}{Dt}.

From here, I expand each material derivative as

\dfrac{D\vec{t}}{Dt} = \dfrac{\partial \vec{t}}{\partial t} + u_t\dfrac{\partial \vec{t}}{\partial s}+ u_n\dfrac{\partial \vec{t}}{\partial n}\\
\dfrac{D(ds)}{Dt} = \dfrac{\partial ds}{\partial t} + u_t\dfrac{\partial ds}{\partial s}+ u_n\dfrac{\partial ds}{\partial n}.

I am unsure how these two relations will simplify so that I get $$\dfrac{D(d\vec{\ell})}{Dt} = d\vec{u}.$$

Best Answer

$\vec{l}$ is regarded as a position vector from an arbitrary origin to the contour. So, following a material particle along the contour, $\frac{D\vec{l}}{Dt}=\vec{u}$. The vector $d\vec{l}$ represents a differential position vector along the contour, and is given by $\vec{l}(s+ds)-\vec{l} (s)$. So the material derivative of $d\vec{l}$ is equal to $\vec{u}(s+ds)-\vec{u}(s)=d\vec{u}$.

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