[Physics] Derivation of Faraday’s law using Lorentz force

electricityelectromagnetisminductionmagnetic fields

For a stationary loop of wire with a time varying magnetic field $\vec{B}(t)$ through it. Is it possible to derive Faraday's law, using only the Lorentz force

$$\vec{F}=q \vec v\times \vec B \tag {1}$$

in some way? The way I would go about doing this is by finding the work done around on a pacticle as it made one full loop around the wire, and by defintion this is the induced emf in the wire. As follows:

$$\mathcal E =\oint{q(\vec v \times \vec B)\cdot d \vec l} \tag{2}$$

But I don't see how we can then turn this directly into flux, of in fact why it is not $0$ since $\vec v$ should, for a particle moving around the loop, be always perpenduclar to $d \vec l$ and thus the integral goes to 0. I assume that we need to introduce the electric field created by the time varying magnetic field for this to work. Is there any way of doing this without giving a circular argument? Or is there another way to derive Faraday's law for a stationary wire in a time varying magnetic field?

Best Answer

With a stationary loop of wire and field $\vec B$ varying in time it doesn't seem that you'd be able to exploit the Lorentz force, because it's difficult to introduce the velocity $v$. But another configuration may be more helpful, see picture.

enter image description here

A metallic rod (orange) crosses the magnetic lines (light-blue) with a constant velocity $v$ (blue) in the shown direction. It indeed moves the electrons in the rod as your formula $(1)$ says. The rod glides on two metallic tracks (light-gray) which are connected through another rod (light-gray) to form a closed circuit.

Although the field $B$ is constant, the magnetic flux $\Phi$ varies in time, because

$$\Phi_B = \int_{\scriptstyle_S} \mathbf{B} \cdot \text d\mathbf S \tag{i}$$

In our case is the surface $S$ is rectangular, so we can write the flux as $\Phi_B = B S = B L D$, where $D$ is the length of the rod, and $L$ the length of the metallic tracks on which the rod glides.

For the electromotive force we are interested in the flux derivative with time

$$\mathcal E = -\frac {\text d\Phi_B}{\text d t} = v B D. \tag{ii}$$

because $\text dL/dt = -v$.

Now, I believe that my formula $\text {(ii)}$ and your $(2)$ begin to resemble one another. What misses in my $\text {(ii)}$ is the charges $q$, and what has to appear in your $(2)$ is the rod length $D$, which probably is connected with the element of distance $\text d \vec {\ell}$. Also, since in our case the force $\vec F$ in your $(1)$ is along the rod, and the rod velocity $\vec v$ is perpendicular to $B$, the three vectors $\vec F$, $\vec v$ and $\text d \vec {\ell}$ are mutual perpendicular, s.t. the fact that in my $\text {(ii)}$, the vector product does not appear, is not a concern.

At this point I leave the issue to you. I suggest you to think what is the relationship between work $W$ and potential difference $\mathcal E$, and what is the connection between the integration over the loop in your $(2)$ and the quantity $D$ in my $\text {(ii)}$. Hint: in the grey bars no electromotive force is produced.