[Physics] Derivation of Electric Vector Potential


From Balanis' Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 3rd Ed., p. 137:

3.3 The vector potential $\boldsymbol F$ for a magnetic current source $\boldsymbol M$

Although magnetic currents appear to be physically unrealizable, equivalent magnetic currents arise when we use the volume or the surface equivalence theorems. The fields generated by a harmonic magnetic current in a homogeneous region, with $\mathbf J = 0$ but $\mathbf M \neq 0$, must satisfy $\nabla\cdot \mathbf D = 0$. Therefore, $\mathbf E_F$ can be expressed as the curl of the vector potential $\mathbf F$ by
$$\mathbf E_F = -\frac1\epsilon \nabla\times\mathbf F$$

I didn't find much information about this "electric vector potential" (I had never heard about it before, actually). I don't understand how the magnetic current density $\mathbf{M}$ is related to the electric field $\mathbf{E}$, and why the conditions imposed ($\mathbf{J}=0$ and $\mathbf{M}\neq0$) lead to $\nabla\cdot\mathbf{D}=0$.

Can someone explain this or tell me where I can find more information about this vector potential?

Best Answer

Charge conservation demands that $\text{div} \textbf{J} = -\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}$ hold always. Thus in regions where there is no electric current, $\textbf{J}=0$, the charge density $\rho(\textbf{r},t)$ must be constant in time, $\rho= \rho(\textbf{r})$ and thus contributes nothing to radiation (which is what Balanis is interested in) and can be neglected. There follows $\text{div}\textbf{D}=0$.

The purpose of introducing the "electric vector potential" is to exploit the mathematical analogy with the physically more meaningful $\textbf{A}$ vector. This is similar to what is done in magnetostatics where the concept of magnetic potential is used in analogy with the conventional electric potential used in electrostatics. Both potentials satisfy Laplace's equations $\text{divgrad}\psi=0$ in regions free of sources, and as long as one stays in simple, singly connected domains the analogy holds.

The use of the $\textbf{F}$ potential follows similar line of thinking. One solves with much pain the electric dipole radiation problem and then to solve for the radiation from a loop one replaces the loop with an equivalent magnetic dipole, a kind of dual to the electric one.