[Physics] Definition of Static Electricity


The result of an imbalance of electrons between objects is called static electricity. It is called "static" because the displaced electrons tend to remain stationary after being moved from one insulating material to another.

Please can any one explain to me what does it mean by the word stationary in the definition? Does it mean that the displaced electrons do not spin around the nucleus in another material's atom?

Best Answer

What we mean here by the word stationary is that the (macroscopic) charge density is constant , even if charges are moving actually.(An explanation for the word macroscopic comes in the next paragraph). A famous example is a rotating sphere with charge density $\rho$ , which is (electrically) equivalent to a non-rotating sphere.(But has a magnetic field due to it's current)

The point is that these models of matter are macroscopic models , which means that when we speak of charge we consider a big enough chunk of matter, much bigger than real charge carriers like electrons ( and yet small enough to consider variations of charge density in the matter). So it is correct that electrons spin around the nucleus , but the atom (or maybe some bigger group of atoms) as a whole is considered as a charge in our model.

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