[Physics] Definition of equivalent capacitance


I know that equivalent capacitance of multiple capacitors in series is
C = \left(\frac{1}{C_1} + \cdots + \frac{1}{C_n}\right)^{-1}
and in parallel is
C = C_1 + \cdots + C_n.
But there are circuits that are neither in parallel nor series. So what is the canonical definition of equivalent capacitance? This question sprung to mind when I tried to find equivalent capacitance in this circuit:

enter image description here

Apparently, there are some techniques known as Y-Delta transforms. But I wouldn't understand it without a clear definition of equivalent capacitance.

Best Answer

The definition of equivalent capacitance between two points $a$ and $b$ is as follows -- Insert a total charge $q$ through point $a$ and remove a total charge $q$ from point $b$. Then find the potential difference $V$ between the points $a$ and $b$. The equivalent capacitance between these two points is then defined as $C = \frac{q}{V}$. Note that if everything is done correctly here, $C$ should be independent of $q$.

For instance, let us use this definition to derive the series/parallel formula.

When the capacitances are in series, then all the capacitances have charge $q$ deposited on them. Then, the potential difference across each capacitor is $V_i = \frac{q}{C_i}$. The total potential difference across the series of capacitors is then $$ V = \sum_i V_i = q \sum_i \frac{1}{C_i} $$ Then, we have by definition of capacitance, $C = \frac{q}{V} \implies \frac{1}{C} = \frac{V}{q}$ and therefore $$ \frac{1}{C} = \sum_i \frac{1}{C_i} $$

When the capacitances are in parallel, the charges $q_i$ must be deposited so that $\sum q_i = q$ and that the potential difference across each capacitor is equal to $V$. Then, we have the formula $$ V = \frac{q_1}{C_1} = \frac{q_2}{C_2} = \cdots $$ Using this, we have $q_i = V C_i$. Summing over $i$, we have $$ q = \sum_i q_i = V \sum_i C_i \implies \frac{q}{V} = \sum_i C_i = C $$

Thus, we have used the general method above to derive the equivalent capacitances as required. For more complicated circuits (such as the one you have) you'll have to go back to the drawing board and use the general method I've described above.

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