[Physics] Definition of Buoyancy Flux

buoyancyfluid dynamics

I've seen in some papers the definition of buoyancy flux as follows

$$B = g \frac{\rho_a-\rho_0}{\rho_0}Q$$

where $g$ is the gravity acceleration, $\rho_a$ is the density of the ambient fluid, $\rho_0$ is the density of the lighter fluid released into the ambient fluid from a point source, Q is the volumetric flow rate of the lighter fluid.

However I'm a bit confused with this definition as it has the units of $m^4/s^3$. But as it is the flux of buoyancy force, I think the formula should at least have mass with the unit in kg there. Can anyone help me out and let me know the accurate physical meaning of buoyancy flux?

The definition of the buoyancy flux in question can be found in:

Best Answer

Your confusion likely comes from it's use in equations. Really, this is the buoyancy flux per unit mass. In other words, the term in the governing equation will often appear as $\rho B$.

Without the specific paper(s) you are reading however, I cannot be sure of the definition.

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