[Physics] Deducing latitude from Foucault Pendulum


Suppose I set up a Foucault pendulum and observe that it precesses at a rate of 216.528 degrees per day. While I am observing this, a total solar eclipse occurs. Where am I, and what is the date?

My professor NEVER went over anything like this, so a shove in the right direction would be awesome.

Best Answer

First order of business is to find where the heck on Earth you are. First, $\omega = 360 \sin(\phi)/day$, where $\omega$ is 216.528 degrees; $\phi$ is the latitude of your position. North of the equator is positive, south negative. This gives you a band to follow around the earth horizontally, positions where could possibly be. You can further narrow your position down because a Foucault pendulum can be used to find the acceleration of gravity at its position. Once you figure this out, you can go to NASA websites and check out when this location has its next or last total solar eclipse.

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