[Physics] De Broglie wavelength of slow moving macroscopic objects


I've seen numerous examples where the De Broglie wavelengths of macroscopic objects such as bullets and baseballs have been calculated. However, in each case, the objects are moving fast and the corresponding momentums are large, resulting in tiny De Broglie wavelengths. What happens if you slow the bullet down to almost a stop. It's momentum is now small, so why doesn't it have a measurable wavelength?

Best Answer

$\lambda = h/p$, where $\lambda$ is wavelength, $h$ is Planck's constant, and $p$ is momentum.

$h = 6.626 \times 10^{-34} Js$

So yes, if you have an object that is moving slow enough, it would have a long wavelength, but the object would have to be essentially not moving to have a momentum on the order of Planck's constant.

What kind of experiment would be able to observe a wavelength in such a situation? De Broglie wavelength is usually observed by interference experiments.

In Quantum Interference of Large Organic Molecules 1 picometer De Broglie waves were observed for 6 nanometer particles moving at 63 m/s. This seems to be the experimental limit for the moment.