[Physics] Curvature of Spacetime


I have been exploring for some time both the Special and General Relativity, hoping to glean at least a conceptual grasp of their basic tenets.
In reading the book "Gravitation" by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, the authors stress that Riemann came very close to make a decisive connection between gravitation and curvature of space, but he failed to do so, they say, precisely because he thought of SPACE and curvature of SPACE instead of curvature of SPACETIME and this makes the whole difference!

Can anybody explain in conceptual terms, as far as possible, why spacetime, unlike SPACE alone, can be seen and understood as curved?

I firmly believe that mathematics is only a language, albeit a complex one, which facilitates our understanding of reality, but that the same reality is not hopelessly beyond reach without maths. We should remember after all that Einstein's mathematical formulations of the Special and General Relativity are rooted in thought experiments and in a basic conceptual grasp, which preceded its mathematical formulation.

Best Answer

Gravity must be understood as a curvature of spacetime rather than space itself because the 1915 general theory of relativity, Einstein's new theory of gravity, is an extension of the 1905 special theory of relativity and the special theory of relativity introduces an inseparable connection between the space and the time and forces us to talk about them in a unified – talk about spacetime.

Space and time have to mix according to special relativity because the theory starts from two postulates, including the absolute constancy of the speed of light in the vacuum, and if space and time were separated, such a constancy would be incompatible with the other postulate, the identical form of the physical laws as seen by an arbitrary inertial observer. It makes no sense to discuss a better, post-Newtonian theory of gravity without taking special relativity into account; the general theory of relativity with its insights about the spacetime curvature is a result of the reconciliation of Newton's gravity and special relativity.

In fact, when one studies how Newton's approximate (inverse square) laws of gravity emerge from general relativity, it turns out that the "curvature of time", and not so much "curvature of space", as a function of space plays the decisive role in determining the gravitational fields at each point. Technically speaking, the rate of time at a given point is determined by $g_{00}$ which is approximately a linear function of the gravitational potential $\Phi$ known from Newton's theory.

Conceptual ideas may precede the mathematical formulation of some principles but one usually can't get too far if he avoids mathematics. Well over 99% of important insights in modern physics depend on mathematical equations and structures that may be at most translated to "awkward and confusing" words.

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