[Physics] Current in inductor just after switch is closed


I have read that the current in an inductor resistor circuit just after closing the switch is zero. This is derived by finding the differential equation in terms of current by using KVL.

Is this true that the current in the circuit consisting of an inductor, a capacitor and a resistor(all in series) is zero too at the time just after closing the switch? I tried writing a differential equation and solving it but it consists of functions of Q and it derivative and its double derivative, which I cannot solve.

What and how can I conclude about the current in this circuit just after switch is closed.
(Consider that the switch was opened for a long time before closing) The equation I derived

Best Answer

So, we have series LCR circuit. $V$ is a constant voltage source. $L$, $C$, and $R$ represents the inductance, capacitance and resistance in the circuit respectively. A current $I$ flows through the circuit.

enter image description here

Now, the current through each component is the same. So, the potential difference between each component added up together gives the emf $V$. Hence the differential equation becomes:


where $Q$ is the charge on the capacitor and is related to the current by $I=\displaystyle{\frac{dQ}{dt}}$. This means we have only one unknown in the equation if we replace all $I$ in terms of $Q$:


which is a second order differential equation. Differentiating again w.r.t $t$ and rewriting in terms of $I$, we get


Since we have a constant dc voltage source, $\displaystyle{\frac{dV}{dt}=0}$. Hence


Dividing throughout by $L$, we have

$$\frac{d^2I}{dt^2}+\frac{R}{L}\frac{dI}{dt}+\frac{I}{LC}=0$$ or

$$\frac{d^2I}{dt^2}+2\alpha\frac{dI}{dt}+\omega_0^2 I=0$$

where $\displaystyle{\alpha=\frac{R}{2L}}$ and $\displaystyle{\omega_0=\frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}}$

This is an ODE with constant coefficients. The characteristic equation of this differential equation is given by:

$$s^2+2\alpha s+\omega_0^2=0$$

The roots of this equation in $s$ are:

$s_1=-\alpha +\sqrt{\alpha^2-\omega^2}$ and $s_2=-\alpha -\sqrt{\alpha^2-\omega^2}$

The general solution is given by:


Now, at $t=0$, let the current be zero. On switching on the current, then the current rises to a maximum value exponentially. Otherwise, it takes a finite time for the current to have a constant value in the circuit . The current will not instantly rises to a maximum value. This is due to the presence of inductance and capacitance in the circuit. This is why we say, unlike in the resistive circuit, in an LCR circuit, the current will be zero, just immediate after the switch is closed.

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