Statistical Mechanics – Critical 2D Ising Model Explained

conformal-field-theoryising-modellattice-modelrenormalizationstatistical mechanics

The 2d Ising model is extremely well studied, nevertheless I have encountered two facts which seem to contradict one another, and I have not been able to find the resolution in the literature. The puzzle is the following.

The critical Ising model is well known to be described by a CFT, and in particular a minimal model. This is described in many places, for example Ginsparg's CFT notes To find the critical temperature, for which the CFT description is valid, perhaps the easiest way is to exploit the Kramers-Wannier duality, which relates the high-temperature/weak-coupling theory to the low-temperature/strong-coupling theory. The critical temperature is then given by the self-dual temperature. This makes it clear that the critical theory is just the usual 2d Ising Hamiltonian, but with the critical value of hte coupling constant $\beta J \equiv K = K_{*}$.

The defining property of the theory at the critical point is that it is invariant under RG flows. In general if $\mathcal{R}$ denotes the RG operation (in any given scheme, for example block-spin RG) and if the Hamiltonian $H$ depends on the coupling constants $\lambda_{1} \lambda_{2}, ..$, then this may be written schematically as

$$ \mathcal{R} H[\lambda_1^*, \lambda_2^* , … ]= H[\lambda_1^*, \lambda_2^* , … ],$$

where $*$ denotes fixed point quantities. Here is where the puzzle arises. Applied to the 2d Ising model with nearest-neighbor (NN) interactions only, the standard block-spin RG generates next-to-nearest-neighbor (NNN) interactions, and even NNNN interactions. See this for a demonstration of this fact. By examining the RG recursion relations, one finds that for no finite $K$ do these new interactions vanish. Therefore, with this RG scheme at least, the 2d Ising model with NN interactions can never be a fixed point of the RG transformation. Any critical theory will necessarily involve additional higher-spin couplings.

So is the critical Ising model $H = – J_* \sum_{<i,j>} s_i s_j$, with only NN interactions, or are there an infinite number of additional higher-spin interactions (which may become negligible in the continuum limit)?

Best Answer

The critical point is not the same thing as the RG fixed point. Let $\mathcal{T}$ denote "theory space" meaning the set of all possible probability measures on real valued fields on the fixed unit lattice $\mathbb{Z}^2$. Block-spin or decimation etc. give you a map $R:\mathcal{T}\rightarrow \mathcal{T}$, namely, a renormalization group transformation. The picture to have in mind is that there is a special point $V_{\ast}\in \mathcal{T}$ such that $R(V_{\ast})=V_{\ast}$. That's the RG fixed point. It is hyperbolic and has a stable manifold $W^s$ (the critical surface) as well as an unstable manifold $W^u$. Now $\beta\mapsto {\rm Ising}(\beta)$ is a special one parameter curve in the big space $\mathcal{T}$. It is the curve made of clean NN Ising Hamiltonians with no extra terms. The critical point is the intersection of this curve with $W^s$ and it corresponds to a special value $\beta_c$ of the inverse temperature. For more about the various ways of seeing a QFT: a set of correlation functions, a probability measure on the space of distributions, a point in $\mathcal{T}$ or a complete orbit of $R$ in $\mathcal{T}$ see the end of Section 4 of my short article QFT, RG, and all that, for mathematicians, in eleven pages.


  1. "The defining property of the theory at the critical point is that it is invariant under RG flows" is wrong because $R({\rm Ising}(\beta_c))\neq {\rm Ising}(\beta_c)$. In fact, by definition of stable manifold, $\lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} R^n({\rm Ising}(\beta_c))=V_{\ast}$, the true fixed point.
  2. " Any critical theory will necessarily involve additional higher-spin couplings." is wrong too because ${\rm Ising}(\beta_c)$ is NN and is also a critical theory. The set of critical theories is all of the stable manifold $W^s$.
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