[Physics] Covariant Derivative of Kronecker Delta


I am reading Carroll's book on GR right now, and I ran into a little trouble in his chapter 3 on curvature. He is establishing the properties of the covariant derivative, and claims that the fact that the covariant derivative commutes with contraction, i.e $$\nabla_\mu T^\lambda {}_{\lambda \rho} = (\nabla T)_\mu {}^\lambda {}_{\lambda \rho},$$ implies that the covariant derivative of the Kronecker delta is zero: $$\nabla_\mu \delta^\lambda_\sigma = 0.$$ I do not see why this is the case. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point out what I am missing. Thanks!

Best Answer

Note that $\delta^i{}_j=\delta^i{}_k\delta^k{}_j$. Then $$\nabla_l\delta^i{}_j=\nabla_l(\delta^i{}_k\delta^k{}_j)=C(k,m)[\nabla_l(\delta^i{}_k\delta^m{}_j)]=C(k,m)[\delta^i{}_k\nabla_l\delta^m{}_j+\delta^m{}_j\nabla_l\delta^i{}_k]=2\nabla_l\delta^i{}_j$$ where $C(k,m)$[...] is defined as the contraction operator which contracts the $k$ and $m$ indices. Thus $\nabla_l\delta^i{}_j=0$.

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