[Physics] Coulomb force between two point charges in a dielectric medium


In a dielectric medium with relative dielectric constant $\epsilon_r$, what is the Coulomb force between two free point charges $q_1$ and $q_2$ at distance $r$? Is it equal to the Coulomb force in vacuum divided by $\epsilon_r$ or $\epsilon_r^2$, i.e., whether the formula is


I know in a dielectric medium, we have $\nabla^2\phi=-\rho_0/(\epsilon_0\epsilon_r)$. Assuming the medium is infinitely big with no boundary to consider, the Coulomb field generated by either $q_1$ or $q_2$ is reduced by a factor of $\epsilon_r$. But I also know this effect is due to the bound charges $-q_1(1-1/\epsilon_r)$ and $-q_2(1-1/\epsilon_r)$ that surround the free charges $q_1$ and $q_2$, leaving net charges $q_1/\epsilon_r$ and $q_2/\epsilon_r$. So let's say if the $q_1$ and $q_2$ are like charges and I connect them with an insulating rope. Which force formula is correct to use, if I want to calculate the tension in the rope at equilibrium, assuming the medium is a frictionless fluid?

Best Answer

The Coulomb force in a medium with relative dielectric constant $\epsilon_r$ is given by your first equation. Only from this follows the electric field strength of a spherical symmetric free charge $Q$ in the dielectric with $$E=\frac{Q}{4\pi\epsilon_0\epsilon_r r^2} \tag{1}$$ which, with the electric displacement $D=\epsilon_r \epsilon_0 E$, results in the correct Gauss Law $$ \int_{sphere} \epsilon_r \epsilon_0 E da=Q \tag{2}$$ This is equivalent to the differential form of Gauss's Law, the Maxwell equation in a dielectric $$ div (\epsilon_r \epsilon_0 \vec E)=\rho$$ where $\rho$ is the free charge density.

Note added after a comment by Zhouran He: In Coulomb's Law for the electric force $F$ exerted by a free charge $q_1$ on a second (test) charge $q_2$ in a dielectric with relative permittivity $\epsilon_r$, only the charge $q_1$ as the source of the force field can be considered to be reduced by the polarization charges of the dielectric to the $q_1/\epsilon_r$ so that the vacuum Coulomb law can be used with this net charge. Even though the charge $q_2$ is also surrounded by polarization charges, the force $F$ exerted by the net charge $q_1/\epsilon_r$ works on the free charge $q_2$. One can alternatively consider $q_2/\epsilon_r$ to be the net charge exerting the force $F$ on the free (test) charge $q_1$. The free charge $q_2$ sees a net charge $q_1/\epsilon_r$ exerting a force $F$ on it according to Coulombs vacuum law. The polarization charges induced by itself around it don't exert a force on itself. The same reasoning applies with interchanged roles of the charges. Thus the second form of Coulombs Law for a dielectric is correct.